Sunday, September 9, 2012

Blog Post Assignment 2

Did You Know? 3.0 - A John Strange 2012 Version.
This video by Dr. Strange gave me numerous facts, theories, and predictions about how technology has increased worldwide. I was shocked to find out that twenty-five percent of India's population with the highest IQ test scores is greater than the entire population with high IQ's in the United States. That is pretty insane if you look at the difference of size between the two countries; however, the United States is almost three times the size of India. Surprisingly, India has a population of about 1.3 billion that triples the United States population of about 3.8 million. I don't think that people from India are that much intelligent than Americans; although, I do believe that one day in the future there will be more people in China using the English language than the population of the United States because most people in China will eventually relocate to the United States due to crowded living conditions in China, high cost of living, and better educational opportunities.
Technology, I would have to agree has been advancing relentlessly since the invention of computers and the worldwide web. Almost everyone that I know has some source that can connect them to the Internet and I would have to say only a few do not have computers. This video shared information to me about how popular YouTube and Google are daily. Those facts were not surprising because there are thousands of devices today from cell phones to game consoles that can connect us to the Internet. As lazy human beings we use technology for the smallest situations; for example, someone is looking to contact a business we would easily type it in the Google search engine and within seconds we have the number. Traditionally, a person would acquire the business contact information in a phone book. I think the reason that more children in the United States have cell phones can be related to recent school violence; therefore, for safety concerns cell phones have became a necessity. Overall this was a very interesting video that taught me numerous ways how technology is taking over everyday life and how it will always be advancing.
Mr. Winkle Wakes.
The short video about Mr. Winkle Wakes created by Matthew Needleman was about Mr. Winkle Wakes waking up from a hundred years of sleep and witnessing many technological advances. I can only imagine the difficulty that he had to experience within the city because a hundred years ago buildings were made differently; for example, he was probably really shocked to see skyscrapers made of glass. However, Mr. Winkles did not just see technological advances I am sure he also looked at the people in the city very different because of their clothing and actions. Mr. Winkle Wakes feared computers but not knowing how to operate a computer in the 21st century could be a disaster since computers basically run the world. Mr. Winkle Wakes thought that school was still the same, which I disagree with because a hundred years ago instructors had to figure a students grade manually. Some Students in Baldwin county Public Schools are using computers to do their school work and their instructors has access to all work completed and sites they visited while using the computers.
Another important aspect in the advancing of school technology is that I think would have really terrified him was the invention of intercoms that are used to alert the whole school and also fire alarms. At many colleges for specific courses, students don't even have to leave there home to get an education they can take the course online. In this video Mr. Winkle Wakes eventually ends up in the hospital because he could not handle the stress that was going through his head about how everything around him that has changed. I agree that hospital technology has always been advancing every time I go to the hospital I learn about a new machine. In the future, I think technology will eventually take the place of teachers, doctors, and transportation to cut back on the cost to pay them for their services.
Sir Ken Robinson:The Importance of Creativity..
This video by Ken Robinson was very convincing to me that creativity is the key to success and that creativity should not be pushed away in our school systems. I agree that education is a major accomplishment in life; therefore, I think that many people will take it personal if you ask them about their education and they do not have any further than a high school diploma. I also believe that if public schools let students focus on what they are talented at that we would have more successful people in our country. Ken Robinson pointed out that today students are earning degrees and not being able to find jobs; however, I disagree because I think that jobs are given to people based on their work effort and organization. I think that the reason that more students will be graduating with education degrees is because they feel that there will always be a demand for education.
Ken Robinson stated that women are better multi tasked than men, I disagree I think that it could go both ways I personally know women that would have a stress attack if they had to accomplish more than one thing at once. I agree with Ken Robinson when he stated that creativity is as important as literacy because creativity in human beings determine a talent that a person should focus on in their life. I believe that if people do not make mistakes that they would never try to learn and make themselves better in life. Overall, I think this was a great learning experience for me and that everyone should watch this video it could help him or her organize his or her future.
A Day Made of Glass 2.
This video by Corning's made me look at technology in ways that I never thought I could imagine. I was amazed to see a tablet made of glass optical fiber that could operate the whole room when the alarm goes off and turn the glass optical fiber walls of the room into a scene of the morning coming in. I think this will eventually be essential in emergency situations at schools, business, and homes to bring a visual alert for younger kids and people with hearing disabilities. This could also be a sign of humans taking technology to far; for instance, the little girl does not have to responsibility of picking out her own clothes. This advance in technology would make every aspect of life easier in numerous ways. I also believe that the cost of living would diminish because people would have rooftops that could provide energy from the optical fiber glass but I think that’s a great idea.
It was highly interesting to the way the glass optical fiber technology could be used in classrooms, I think it would really enhance the learning for students by letting them get a close up of everything the teacher is teaching them through their optical fiber glass tablets. This would really assist students in Universities that contain big classes. At the hospital the doctor could gain knowledge on a rare situation by having a conference face to face through the fiber optical glass walls, I think this also would diminish the demand for doctors and nurses. With the optical fiber glass a football coach could prepare his team by bring the opponents plays to life through the optical fiber wall. I believe this advance in technology would be very helpful but would take a lot of activity out of humans day which could lead to many health problems due to lack of being active.


  1. Giorgio,

    You have no idea how glad I was to see that you disagreed with some of the points. Not what you were expecting me to say, was it? This class is about pushing students to be better educators, and to be better educators, you have to be willing to step out on ledge while maintaining your beliefs. Rolling over and submitting to another individual's ideas or beliefs is the sign of a weak mind. We want strong educators who can bring out the best in their students. Your post was very good and I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the subjects. However, you need to remember to do two things for every post:
    1) Include an image with ALT and TITLE modifiers (done correctly)
    2) Links to the sources, be they videos or blog posts.

  2. Hey Giorgio,
    Let me begin by complimenting you on your blog post. It was a great post and I found many of your viewpoints on the videos interesting. I agree with many of your sentiments about the comparison of American students and students abroad. You made many valid points. I wanted to share with you a tip that another student shared with me that helped me in my blog posts. After you complete and proofread your post, copy and paste it and into a word document and let that program check spelling and grammar for you. I proofread my own posts before learning this trick, and no matter how in tune I was to correcting my own writings, I would miss spelling, grammar, and punctuation. I guess no matter how studious and grammatically correct you are, we can always use the assistance of Spell Check. Other than minor punctuation mistakes, I found they this post to me well written and informative. Keep up the good work!
